The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
15 February 2010
Reading time: 1 min
Bruno and I got to go along with the humans snowshoeing yesterday. Went into the forest at Puente Palo and came out into the clearing above the forest where I ran free like a mad dog. The snow was deep most of the time, blimey it was hard work but we had such fun as you will see from the video below. There are photos to come too but mum took so many she is struggling to sort through them. Humans eh!!
pepe: ¡Buen vídeo! Como disfrutan en la nieve!!!…
RA_HUSKY: Yeah! What fun!
The Thundering Herd: What a great video. Looks you had a spectacular time!