The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
21 January 2011
Reading time: 4 mins
We have had many days out recently so im combining a few days together for you.
The next day we went into the mountain, we were in the cloud all day so not many photos show you.
This was the best bit of the day, I got to pull hu’dad down the mountain with Bruno following
We love going for rides in the car.
Now on a different note we have been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award by FiveSibes and we would like to thank FiveSibes for this award. You must go visit their site, it has lots of ideas, useful information and not to mention the gorgeous FiveSibes themselves. We have to share some interesting facts about ourselves and pass this award on. So here we go. Not sure if these are interesting but they are facts.
1) Bruno is from Bavaria in Germany, he arrived at Malaga airport just like all the other luggage on the luggage convayerbelt when he was a couple of months old, can you imagine what a sight this must have been!
2) Khumbu is from the Sierra Gredos area north of Madrid in Spain. He travelled 5 hours in the car with the hu’parents singing all the way. He sat on hu’mums lap as the didnt like the crate and caused havoc when he was put in it. He had to duck down when police were seen!
3) Tapa was going to be thrown over a fence by a Spanish man who didnt want him when he was a tiny pup. So the hu’parents took him on. He has to win the scruffiest dog award. The bottom half of his coat grows in dreadlocks!
4) Hu’dad used to be an accountant before packing in a “proper job” and became a mountain guide and running a business in Spain’s Sierra Nevada mountains.
5) Hu’mum used to work with horses in an eventing yard. She lived in New Zealand for a year and helped break in race horses for a friend. She was on Mt Ruapehu when it blew up in 1995.
Khyra: SNOW much fun! Thanks for sharing all of that! AND KHONGRATS too!
Tyler & Dez: Beautiful pics and great facts! Why did Khumbu have to duck down from the police? licks
Khumbu: Wooo Ty and Dez I had to duck from the police I was not supposed to be in the front of a car so the hu’parents would have got into trouble had I have been spotted :)
The Thundering Herd: Did you get your belly rub? You sure deserved one.
FiveSibesMom: Fabulous photos!!! The group rainbow shot is just awesome. How special that was caught while you were there. Rainbows mean luck, so you all will have luck abounding! And Khumbu’s smile, it’s just heartwarming!! And Bruno’s tongue…well, it’s very special and long! Gibson has a long one, but I think Bruno may be his idol now! Gorgeous dogs! Beautiful pics! And I’m jealous…I want a sled ride down the snowy hill! You deserve the Stylish award - your blog and pics are just fabulous! Happy weekend!!!
FiveSibesMom: PS - I enjoyed your “about me” items. From a fellow former equestrian (I rode, trained, and showed Western. My last horse I bought was a 2-year old Morgan stallion I trained)…breaking in race horses in New Zealand must have been such a wonderful experience. I always joke now that I traded horses for Huskies!