The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
06 November 2012
Reading time: 2 mins
We have had a lot of rain recently, which was needed but seriously enough is enough. If it was falling as snow it wouldnt have been so bad but all its done is wash the snow that had fallen away!
Not the most exciting walk for you humans but we enjoyed it, the rain makes the smells much better.
Clowie: We’ve had cloud like that some mornings recently. It looks a lovely place to walk.
RAHUSKY: Harrooo mates! What a pleasant walkie! Khumbu- woo are just a blur zooming along there! And Kyra, are woo off leash?? What a lucky pup woo are! Take care furiends, RA