Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

Cloudy wet walkies

06 November 2012

Reading time: 2 mins

We have had a lot of rain recently, which was needed but seriously enough is enough. If it was falling as snow it wouldnt have been so bad but all its done is wash the snow that had fallen away!

Well I did a lot of this
Well I did a lot of this
Then we get back on the track
Then we get back on the track
Found another terrace to check our peemail
Found another terrace to check our peemail
Getting back on track, im so fast im a blurr
Getting back on track, im so fast im a blurr
We heard a noise so checked to see if it might be our pal Charlie coming for walks with us, couldnt see anything and hu'mum says he is in the UK
We heard a noise so checked to see if it might be our pal Charlie coming for walks with us, couldnt see anything and hu'mum says he is in the UK
Teaching Kyra the fine art of checking out peemail, she got the action but in wrong place
Teaching Kyra the fine art of checking out peemail, she got the action but in wrong place
Heading towards the most active peemail tree
Heading towards the most active peemail tree
Digging in my message to make sure nobody misses it
Digging in my message to make sure nobody misses it
Come on Kyra ive got the scent of something, lets check it out
Come on Kyra ive got the scent of something, lets check it out
Its down here Kyra
Its down here Kyra
Oh why would someone tie their shoes to the tree?
Oh why would someone tie their shoes to the tree?
Can you see how much im pulling, my harness is not touching my body where me lead is attached to it
Can you see how much im pulling, my harness is not touching my body where me lead is attached to it
The cloud came right in
The cloud came right in
We finished our walk by eating some grass on one of our terraces. Hu'mum says we acting like horses
We finished our walk by eating some grass on one of our terraces. Hu'mum says we acting like horses

Not the most exciting walk for you humans but we enjoyed it, the rain makes the smells much better.


Clowie: We’ve had cloud like that some mornings recently. It looks a lovely place to walk.

RAHUSKY: Harrooo mates! What a pleasant walkie! Khumbu- woo are just a blur zooming along there! And Kyra, are woo off leash?? What a lucky pup woo are! Take care furiends, RA