Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

A day of excitement and clouds

08 December 2017

Reading time: 2 mins

Well it was a crazy day here at home. First off we had so much frost our mountain roads were frozen, it’s the closest we have got to snow.

Then we had a cat alert.

Throughout the whole day we had these crazy clouds that hu’mum kept photographing. She kept saying something about UFO’s but we kept telling her, no they were just lenticular clouds, they indicate that it’s going to get windy soon.

Bet you are glad we are walking up hill hu'mum, could get messy for you if we going down hill BOL
Bet you are glad we are walking up hill hu'mum, could get messy for you if we going down hill BOL
Cat alert
Cat alert
The clouds first forming
The clouds first forming
A close up of the clouds
A close up of the clouds
Arko had a lot to say trying to tell hu'mum about the clouds
Arko had a lot to say trying to tell hu'mum about the clouds
Hu'mum knew sunset would be quite spectacular. The first part of sunset. See how the clouds had progressed during the day
Hu'mum knew sunset would be quite spectacular. The first part of sunset. See how the clouds had progressed during the day
Arko still talking, Khumbu thinking she isn't getting it
Arko still talking, Khumbu thinking she isn't getting it
Then Rita turned up to stop the talking
Then Rita turned up to stop the talking
Play bow
Play bow
Bite ya bum
Bite ya bum
Hu'mum wanted a picture of us with the cloud sunset. Neither of us wanted to participate
Hu'mum wanted a picture of us with the cloud sunset. Neither of us wanted to participate
Arko's sunset picture, he wouldn't stay
Arko's sunset picture, he wouldn't stay
Somehow hu'mum changed the settings on the camera and this was her sunset picture
Somehow hu'mum changed the settings on the camera and this was her sunset picture


The OP Pack: Merry Christmas to you and your family. Woos - Lightning, MIsty, and Timber, and Mom too