The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
16 March 2010
Reading time: 1 min
Mum has asked me to update our blog with some old posts from her site, so when I have nothing to report on here (ie nothing exciting has happened to mention) I shall post some old ones. I hope you enjoy them, I guess its a good idea because then our site REALLY becomes our own. I made this trip when I was around 15months old. Yesterday, 5th June 2008, Khumbu and Bruno became the highest dogs in Spain. They made it to the top of Mulhacen (3482m) whilst helping 2 Spanish Highs clients make a very important ascent.
It took 5 hours to the top and just under 4 hours back to the car at the ranger station just above Capileira. There were patches of snow left which proved very exciting for the 2 dogs. Khumbu had a great day, he pulled the whole time up and down and got very excited about the birds which kept flying away when we got close, but more so over the Ibex which he just wanted to chase.
It made a hard day even harder being attached to him! Bruno had a great day also joining in on the attempts at chasing but he was very glad to get back to the car, as we all were.
Today we are all very tired and stiff. Khumbu and Bruno are sleeping off their big achievement.