The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
03 January 2012
Reading time: 5 mins
Wooo its my birthday today and boy did I get a treat. So yesterday the hu’parents left for Madrid at 4am and returned back home at 4pm with this bundle of fun.
We would like to introduce the newest member of the pack “Kyra”. Why Kyra? Well, her breeder, Angustias, has been calling her “Rayito del Sol”, meaning a little ray of light. Kyra has Persian and Egyptian origins for “like Ra, the sun”. We thought it was appropriate. So Kyra it is, pronounced “Keera”.
Im going to be a good brother to Kyra, and we are going to have lots of fun. At the moment though, day 2, she is a little scared of me, im boisterous, bouncy, noisy, woo wooing and would like her play with me. I guess in time she will get used to this husky boy.
These are a couple of pictures from day 1, she was so tired from her 5 hour car journey, leaving her mummy, brothers and sister and meeting us lot, that there is not alot to show really.
This is the morning of day 2 in pictures, we sure hope you all like Kyra as much as we all do.
And now a short video :-
FiveSibesMom: Happy Birthday, Khumbu!!! Sweet Kyra is such a gorgeous fluff puff, oh my gosh, I just want to squeeze her! What a great birthday present! Better watch out though, she’s going to grow up so fast and something tells me she may be a bit bigger than you! ;-) Oh the fun adventures you will be going on…so much to look forward to! Enjoy your birthday and we send our woos & wishes for many, many more! Husky hugs! PS - I love that you both have names with “K” starting them! Now go eat some cake!
maggie: Happy Birthday!!! Hello Krya!
Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning: Wow, now THAT is quite the present! Welcome to Kyra. Khyra told us about you and her. Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Gus: Happy birthday, Khumbu, you’re very lucky, such good “parents”! But beware! The little furry “toy” could be “the devil in disguise”, jeje…have fun, birthday boy!!
Kari: What an awesome pressie! Stop on by for a visit Kari
Balto: Whoa Khumbu! you got such a cool burfday pressent! hope she starts playin wit ya pretty soon, cuz she looks fun! Happy Burfday!! from yur buddy in the Colorado mountains, Balto!
jansfunnyfarm: That is one very special birthday present. You were being so good letting her rest up for all the excitement of your birthday today. Happy Birthday, Khumbu!
louiethehusky: Happy Birthday Khumbu, happy birthday Khumbu! You’ve got the best present ever! She’s such a beautiful puppy girl, but I bet she won’t stay that small for too long! Be a good brofur Khumbu and don’t bully her! Say hi to Tapa for me!
Khyra: That is one furry special pressie fur a furry furry furry special big broFur! Be khareful - she’ll be using that puppy license fur as long as she khan! Of khourse, woo KNOW I love love love her name! Be furry proud WOO have the ‘h’ - guess it must be fur HUSKY ;-) Lots of Khumbu Day Khysses from us!!! Hugz&Khysses, Khyra PeeEssWoo: And a much better name than Leona
Ellen Venturella-Wilson: Happy Birthday Khumbu!!! You’ll be a wonderful big brother to Kyra! Welcome home Kyra!!! You are one lucky pup! Hugs and chocolate labby kisses, Ellen & Charley
RumpyDog!: Oh Dog! You got your own dog for your birthday? How cool is that!!!
RAHUSKY & Isis: Wooooo! ‘like Ra, the sun’ that’s awesome little Kyra!!! We all can’t wait to hear about all your adventures with your big brofur. And happy birthday Khumbu!!!! Take care of the little one and teach her about all how to be a good pup (like how to take the blame when woo get in trouble haroowoooowooo! Play bows mates, RA