The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
03 January 2018
Reading time: 3 mins
Well the 3rd of January is my birthday and I turned 11 years young. I had lots of birthday wishes over the socials and I would like to thank you all for them.
I have been with hu’mum for most of her Spanish adventure. She arrived in Lanjaron August 2006 and I arrived in Lanjaron March 2007.
Anyway we had a great walk and found some great smells to follow. I have been taking some supplements to help with a little limping/stiffness and they are working so well, apparently, I have found my inner puppy again. Who knew it was still there? This makes us all happy. Here are the pictures from my birthday walkies.
Khyra and Sometimes Her Mom: Oh how I wish we khould have shared some birthday KHAKE… I would have pawed fur some KHAT flavoured ;-) Happy Khumbu Day!!!!!!!!!!! Hugz&Khysses, Just Khyra
nanuk: Happy birthday mate!! Nuk
The Ao4: What great birthday fun!!! Happy belated birthday! Cammie!
KB: Happy Birthday, Khumbu! What a wonderful walk with your pack!