Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

Kyra's 1st birthday

31 October 2012

Reading time: 2 mins

It was Kyras birthday last Wednesday (31st October) as usual we are late posting. So what did Kyra do, pretty much the same as she does most other days, just with the odd treat thrown in. Here are some pictures from our walk on her birthday.

A lovely sunny day for a walk with an enormous shadow
A lovely sunny day for a walk with an enormous shadow
There were some cool clouds around especially over the Sierra Lujar
There were some cool clouds around especially over the Sierra Lujar
oooo look Kyra a green field, lets explore
oooo look Kyra a green field, lets explore
Thinking whilst chowing down on grass! Khyra \(with an h\) she likes to think a lot too
Thinking whilst chowing down on grass! Khyra \(with an h\) she likes to think a lot too
More cloud action on the Sierra Lujar
More cloud action on the Sierra Lujar
Cooling down in the acequia
Cooling down in the acequia
Action shot of Kyra
Action shot of Kyra
The birthday picture. Hu'mum always makes us sit for this picture! She gave up with me as I wouldnt stay still, she managed to snag one pic of Kyra before she was off following me
The birthday picture. Hu'mum always makes us sit for this picture! She gave up with me as I wouldnt stay still, she managed to snag one pic of Kyra before she was off following me

Well we hope you enjoyed Kyras birthday walk.


FiveSibesMom: Happy (belated) First Birthday, Kyra Wow! I can’t believe you are a year old already! I remember your beautiful baby photos! And you are a beautiful big girl! Loved your birthday walk; sure looks like it was lots of fun! Sending Husky woos & wishes your way!

Savannah NanaMo: Hi Khumbu! And HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kyra!! Her b-day photo looks fantabulous!! You are such a good brother helping her explore like that! Hope you have cold weather soon. We never thought that this time of year might be good to visit norther Spain. Of course, Mom would go anytime of year as Spain is high on her list of MUST GO THERE before I am 70…she doesn’t have much time MOL!! Mom studied Spain as part of her BA degree in LAtin American Studies at Univ of Calif Berkeley a looooooong time ago! paw pats, Savannah

Khyra and Sometimes Her Mom: Happy Furst Barkday To The Furry Special & BeaWOOOtiful KYRA! Thanks fur sharing your special day with us! Please give your handsome Husky Holstein broFur a special hipchekhk fur me! Hugz&Khysses, kHyra ;-)

RAHUSKY: Happy birthday Kyra!!! From all of us, RA, Isis & Nanük