The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
03 February 2018
Reading time: 1 min
The last days of January and the first couple of days of February.
When the humans returned home from Arko’s adventure day they noticed Khumbu had a cut on his leg. As the days went on he started limping, to rest his leg, he and Kyra would have a short walk and then hu’mum would go out again with the two youngsters. We were going through a cold spell in the weather, you will notice Rita has her magic cape on.
There is a video under the photos of Arko annoying his fur-sister and making her look like she has come from the film Alien!!
The video
The OP Pack: We like to chew on each other just like that. We hope Khumbu’s cut is all healed now. Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber