Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

Leonberger zoomies in the snow

06 February 2011

Reading time: 1 min

So now you get to see a Leonberger in action! As you will see he does not cover the ground as quick as me. In fact its not very often you get to see Bruno running at all but he looks like he is enjoying it.

Here comes Bruno
Here comes Bruno
Still coming
Still coming
Think his tail is acting like a rudder
Think his tail is acting like a rudder
Still coming
Still coming
I went out to greet him
I went out to greet him
Bet you cant turn like me. Bruno still running
Bet you cant turn like me. Bruno still running
Stand to attention tails and sticky out tongues
Stand to attention tails and sticky out tongues
Now you've made it down here dont you leave the pack again!
Now you've made it down here dont you leave the pack again!


Tyler & Dez: OMG Bruno is so cute!

FiveSibesMom: As I said on Twitter…beautiful pics! Snow zoomies are just the best! Absolutely gorgeous shot of Bruno and Khumbo on the bottom. (PS - I know what you mean, Gibson is not our “runner” either! LOL!)

Khyra: Oh to be there zoooooooming along with woo two! It’s almost like seeing Ziggy The Malamute and me playing together! Thanks fur sharing your handsome selves! Hugz&Khysses, Khyra