Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

Pillars of Strength

14 February 2012

Reading time: 1 min

Regular readers of our blog know we have been unfortunate enough to encounter osteosarcoma with big beautiful Bruno and we have felt the support you get via your blogging friends. Being in the pet blogging community is an incredible experience, you share everyones experiences, adventures and when a pet passes to the rainbow bridge you share the pain like it was your own pet.

Today we are participating in the Pillars of Strength day. This blog is dedicated to K and her family and its to show our support as K gets ready for her 2nd round of chemotherapy and her continued fight against osteosarcoma. Romping and Rolling in the Rockies is a blog written by KB who lives in the Front range of Colorado and is a fascinating read. I have followed this blog for a number of years now and never tire of reading about the bears, bobcats, mountain lions etc that share their world and of course the fantastic photography that KB takes whilst she and labrduo have their adventures.

I still find it difficult writing about osteosarcomo but Power of the paw is being sent to K coming from all of us at Tails from the Pack.  


Khyra and Her Mom: BeaWOOOOOtiful and so furry handsome too! What a great post! Hugz&Khysses, Khyra

KB: Somehow, I missed your beautiful post way back last year. Thank you. The support of the blogging community meant the world to us throughout K’s journey. Thanks for your continued support.