Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

Rita celebrates her 4th Gotcha Day

17 November 2017

Reading time: 1 min

Today is Ritas 4th Gotcha Day. We had a nice walk which was topped off with Ibex, yes they have turned up again. Our group birthday photo didn’t quite go to plan due to the unexpected showing from the Ibex.

Not a lot has really happened this week, we have a few random pictures from at home and walks.

Our Auntie Emma is staying with us for a couple of weeks. She will be looking after us while the hu’parents go visit their family in the UK for a few days. I am sure we will be on our best behaviour for her BOL

Khumbu having his afternoon siesta
Khumbu having his afternoon siesta
Arko with the plant sprinkles in his coat
Arko with the plant sprinkles in his coat
A surprise flyby from a Heron
A surprise flyby from a Heron
Husky bookends
Husky bookends
Arko caught his tail
Arko caught his tail
Distracted for the group birthday photo, we could smell those Ibex
Distracted for the group birthday photo, we could smell those Ibex
A distracted Rita on her 4th Gotcha Day
A distracted Rita on her 4th Gotcha Day
The reason for the birthday photo distraction
The reason for the birthday photo distraction
Rita on the day she arrived in Lanjaron at our house, how cute was she
Rita on the day she arrived in Lanjaron at our house, how cute was she


nanuk: Happy birthday Rita!! NukNuk & Family

The OP Pack: Happy Gotcha Day, Rita - you remind us a lot of Lighting as a puppy in your last photo. Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber