Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

Some catching up to do, its been a while!

10 April 2011

Reading time: 1 min

Sorry about the lack of posts hu’mum lost the plot a bit after Taz died, my accident and Brunos health problems. All will be explained in another post, but we are back and catching up with some posts. Humans eh you cant rely on them to do your typing for you!

So to start with, a very short video of me and Bruno in the swimming pool having a cool down after walkies at the beginning of April! I love to play with my tennis ball in the pool, keeps me entertained and I always carry it out with me before running around the garden to get the drips off.


Kari: OOO that pool looks like fun Kari http://dogisgodinreverse.com

RAHUSKY & Isis: Yeah nice pool mates, all we have is a little kiddie pool bol! Be well mates, RA & Isis