Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

Something wrong with Tapa!

17 October 2010

Reading time: 4 mins

Hu’mum filmed this video of Tapa. Does anyone know what is wrong with him? He is never in pain but his back legs just seem to not function sometimes when he has been laying down for a while. The humans have only noticed it maybe 3 times this year. Tapa is fine once he is on the move again which is only a few minutes later, he just looks a little frightened. Any suggestions are very welcome.


Khumbu: You do a great job with Gibson. Do they know what brought on his seizures? We have a vet visit coming up in the next few weeks, our normal vet has left so we have had to find another. The thing with Tapa has only happened this year and trying to explain it in another language is a challenge but now ive got it on video I can just show the vet which will help. Dont let Tapa fool you by his cuteness he is the devil in disguise :-)

Khumbu: Poor Gibson he is so beautiful. Everytime its happened to Tapa he has just been laying down, maybe he just lays on his one side to long and gets a dead leg. Mind you it looks like its both back legs. He is fine after a few minutes, running around as normal. Tapa is about 4.5 years old, but then again he is such a mix it could be generic!! Will keep you updated with him. x

FiveSibesMom: Maybe it’s a nerve thing, like with humans. Sit for too long, it pinches off circulation. Just really glad he is OK after a bit. Gibson is also my boy who had some serious seizures right after he turned 3 and is on medication for epilepsy, which contributed to the almost 20 lb. weight gain. It’s a struggle to keep his weight down under 115. I’m sure the weight is why his leg bothers him when he runs. The vet says he is healthy and fit and not fat, so that is good news! The meds give him a voracious appetite. So it’s weight control formulas and lots of green beans and pumpkin puree! All good thoughts coming Tapa’s way! PS - Did you mention his leg issues to your vet? Curious what they think…? He is such a cutie!

FiveSibesMom: Awww, poor Tapa. I’m glad he’s up and moving around again. My boy Gibson sometimes gets a pulled muscle/strained muscle after running around in the yard, even if it’s not a lot of running. Was Tapa playing or running before this happened? The other thing could be the beginnings of a hip issue. How old is Tapa? I have Gib on Dasuquin and omega 3 fish oil daily to help with joints. He’s only 3, but he is 111 pounds. When he favors his leg, it usually works itself out after about a day or so of some light massaging and taking it easy and laying on a bed/waterbed at night. Please keep me posted on how he’s doing.

Wild Dingo: oh boy, that’s scary. but it could be something really minor (falling asleep legs) or something that can easily be fixed with some accupuncture. eitehr way, i’d have a vet check his back and spine. there are simple physical tests they can do with the legs to see if there is nerve degeneration or any need ot do a spinal xray. anyway, it’s hard to tell from just watching a video. but i know how you feel and how you just want to know if it happens to others… sigh. what a cutie pie he is.

2petts: Hmm-Maybe you have found some answers by now-hope your communication w/vet is helped by the video. Does look like a spine or nerve thing. one way we gave our dogs relief was using ‘cranial therapy’-therapist have shown me a little, so i used to take one hand and hold it on one side of spine (or other sore spot), and the other palm on the other side and just gently hold-if one of your hands seems to want to go somewhere else, let it-i had a sibe that had a hip ‘click’ when he walked and he would sometimes favor it, i did this and it never happened again. I would do it now and then as a regular routine, just like people do. If nothing else, it is relaxing and comforting. Hope your babe is getting the help he needs. Our dogs also used Omega 3’s. And-I just remembered that ours would be much stiffer if they took a nap on tile or wood floor, so maybe put more beds around. Hard to make them use it if it’s hot, but maybe it will help- Hope all is well- 2Petts