The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
27 June 2010
Reading time: 1 min
Apparently we doggies stick our tongue out when we are sleeping! Does anyone else do this? According to the Hu’parents Tapa does not!
The Thundering Herd: Woo - looks like fun. We will play
Lisa & Star: awwwwww soo cute. Star sleeps with her tongue out - I think its really cute :)
Lisa & Star: Star sleeps with her tongue out too. it’s so cute to see dogs sleeping like that :)
A Husky Life: Aww it’s so cute. HG sleeps like that too :)
norwood: Hmmm I’m gonna have mom check because she’s not sure. Bruno looks silly. I’ll try to catch a photo to show you. norwood
@Jasmine_woo_woo: It’s an epidemic! My tongue peeps out when I sleep too! I do it to be prepared, just in case someone puts a bowl of food in front of me while I’m asleep ;)