The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia
30 January 2010
Reading time: 1 min
One of our morning walks is along part of the GR7, the long distance path that humans walk.
The almond blossom is coming out now and makes the trees look pretty.
On this walk we go past some dogs that always bark at us and run after us, mum always makes the dogs go back (she watches the dog whisperer programme), but we find it very exciting.
There are 4 dogs that bark at us, the small one Bruno ran after and it screamed! The picture only shows 3 of them.
After the barky dogs, we met some goats, mum made us walk past when we just wanted to go and chase them. After the goats it was all down hill back to home.