Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

Walkies - a humid walk

13 August 2014

Reading time: 1 min

What's over there Khumbu?
What's over there Khumbu?
Leaving p-mail
Leaving p-mail
Walking together
Walking together
Walking together
Walking together
Here is Kyra, blurry, but that's because hu'mum held the camera behind her while walking!
Here is Kyra, blurry, but that's because hu'mum held the camera behind her while walking!
Look at the camera said hu'mum, Khumbu being a full sibe did the opposite BOL
Look at the camera said hu'mum, Khumbu being a full sibe did the opposite BOL
Kyra and Rita were shocked that I declared end of photo shoot
Kyra and Rita were shocked that I declared end of photo shoot
Did anyone else hear that?
Did anyone else hear that?
Down the steep path towards home.
Down the steep path towards home.
And here comes Kyra
And here comes Kyra

Rita on her recall from an out of sight sit stay.