Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

Walkies - Just the two of us again

09 August 2014

Reading time: 1 min

Looking down to the coast
Looking down to the coast
Off on an adventure
Off on an adventure
OK so normally I have a complete melt down when having to cross things like this, but because I chose to cross myself this was not a problem
OK so normally I have a complete melt down when having to cross things like this, but because I chose to cross myself this was not a problem
Still no water. We think there will be no water until it rains again, whenever that will be, most likely November time, but we have to check anyway
Still no water. We think there will be no water until it rains again, whenever that will be, most likely November time, but we have to check anyway
I'm off mountaineering, follow me
I'm off mountaineering, follow me
It's never as much fun coming down as it is going up. Why couldn't they just follow me up
It's never as much fun coming down as it is going up. Why couldn't they just follow me up