Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

What breeds made Rita, Rita?

01 May 2015

Reading time: 3 mins

We had a little game yesterday in guessing what breeds made Rita, Rita.

Here are what you guessed. From Facebook :-

Emma Wilson - Probably about 4 different breeds? X (podenco, husky, collie, Alsatian) xx

Alison Charlotte Moore-Disenador lab - alsation, primarily podenco

Freya Ruth Rodgers Moalim - husky podenco Freya Ruth Rodgers Moalim - and a bit of wesite?

Sue Halfyard - Podenco/Labrador/German Shepherd

Paddy Waller - Werewolf and podenco

Saskia van Diesen - Swiss shepard, podenco

Karen Zargan Kryschtal - German Shepherd (Alsatian) and Collie?

Emma Stenhouse - Kelpie!

Sumit Sen - Berger Blanc Suisse?

Stephanie Lucero - Border and white wolf. Hahaha!

Julie Starling - Swiss shepherd, or shepherd, husky

Richard Iacono - Beaver and a giraffe

Julie Starling - German shepherd husky or podenco… though i wonder if podenco is a breed on the dna matching list… formosan wasn’t. not even asian hunting dog which is what formosan comes from…

Alex Green - Gsd, whippet and spitz.

Barbara Challinor - She looks so “Podenco”!! Amazed!!

Pat Anderson - Pug

From Google+ :-

Ian Tupman - Podenco in there somewhere

Sharon Jeannette - With the help of my daughter, we guess Husky and yellow lab :)

Sumit Sen - I am going out on a limb here, but she possibly has Berger Blanc Suisse blood! :)

Stefanie Schächtel - Wonderful dog! I guess Husky and White Shepherd. I’m curious about the DNA results. Greetings. ;-)

Roll the drums it’s time to announce what mix of breeds she is. English Springer Spaniel, German Shepherd, Samoyed, mix!!! Any thoughts from anyone on this?

I can see the Shepherd in her, it would explain the ears, backend and short coat. The Samoyed I guess would be the density and colouring of her coat and husky type behaviour. Maybe the Springer Spaniel is what puts the spring in her step! She is an intelligent dog, likes to herd and wants to learn, but also has an extreme stubborn streak. Out on walks she will be off ahead of us, but she will wait for us to come into view before she carries on. She is good with hand signals but if there is anything worth chasing then she is gone.

rita dna
rita dna

Now there would appear to be a slight flaw with this test as they only use UK and US kennel club recognised breeds so if your dog comes from outside Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, or mainland US, the breed ancestry may not be well represented. I was rather amazed by the results, but having done a little research on the breeds I can see Rita’s personality and traits in them. Even the strongest statistical part of the “mix” part being a Small Munsterlander, having read up on the breed I see Rita. Anyway this has been a bit of fun, even if you are out of the countries listed above, as we are, try it because more than likely your dog has come from some of the recognised breeds to start with. This is a link to the breeds that Wisdom Panel have found so far.

rita dna
rita dna


Nanuk: So interesting! Play bows dear Rita, NukNuk

Caleb & Strider: Amazing and very interesting! Aroooooos!