Tails From The Pack - A Dogs Tale

The adventures of "The Pack" living in the Alpujarras, the foothills of Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains, Andalucia

Yet another hot walkies

19 July 2016

Reading time: 2 mins

All our walkies are hot these days. We are up and out before the sun rises over the ridge. We have no water to cool down in anymore, the water has stopped flowing from the mountains. Hopefully this winter we will get a better snowfall so the water lasts longer. Hu’mum says the light is rubbish now, because of the time of day we go out, so there won’t be many more posts for the summer. After our early walkies we are spend our days crashed out in the house by the fans dreaming of winter. If we do get up to anything exciting you can be sure we will post about it. We hope you are all keeping cool.

Our pals, Cam and Maggie, over at AO4 headquarters get to wear sunglasses and other items (click the link to see them), they seem to enjoy it and they certainly look great in them. This was our first effort, none of us were impressed!

Rita wearing sunglasses
Rita wearing sunglasses
Khumbu not impressed wearing sunglasses
Khumbu not impressed wearing sunglasses
Kyra wearing sunglasses
Kyra wearing sunglasses
Hu'mum liked how the cloud had come up from the coast and we were above it
Hu'mum liked how the cloud had come up from the coast and we were above it
Coming down the hill towards hu'mum
Coming down the hill towards hu'mum
We were now very warm and it was quite humid. The cloud was catching us up!
We were now very warm and it was quite humid. The cloud was catching us up!
The sea of cloud cascading over the crags just like a wave.
The sea of cloud cascading over the crags just like a wave.


Davina: Love these posts and photos xxx

The OP Pack: It has been so very warm here too, but finally today we got a nice break with some cooler temps. You have some beautiful photos here. We would love to be able to wak off leash, but Mom says she worries we would run off faster than she could keep up with us:) Woos - Ciara and Lightning